How to lower your cholesterol

Proper eating habit and regular exercise are the most effective ways to keep your cholesterol under check... Here are a few tips:1. Eat more of vegetables and fruits filled with fibers they are organic food stuffs and healthier. 2.Eat more of egg white and unrefined sugar. 3.Drink a lot of water daily it will help cleanse the body and maintain proper blood flow. 4.Avoid foods with.colouring agents. 5.Replace soft drinks with fresh fruit juice. You can make that at home. 6.Add garlic to your fish or pork when cooking,avoid red meat. 7.Take more of Soy products which can help reduce high cholesterol level. 8. For breakfast you can oat cereal,lunch you can eat beans and Dinner u can. eat vegetables.Then avoid frying.boil more often. Take a quick trip to your doctors office this week and check your cholesterol level... To your Good Health, olatoun-graceny.


  1. Hi Olatoun-Graceny,

    That's great advice.

    I'm a vegetarian, so I eat a lot of vegetables, and I also drink a lot of water :)

    - Jens

  2. @Jens you are on the right track i am hoping to become a vegetarian too in the future... its not
    bad at all..


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